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Dental Implants - What are they?

A natural tooth consists of a crown (the part above the gum) and the root (the part hidden under the gum within the jaw bone). The root is the portion which actually holds the natural
tooth in place.

A dental implant is a screw placed into the gum and jaw bone which serves as the replacement for the root portion of a missing tooth.

Dental implants are most commonly made of titanium because it is the most biocompatible material with human biology, this means it allows bone-forming cells to grow on to and integrate with the surface of the dental implant. Once this bond between the new bone and the implant surface has matured, the titanium implant can be used to support one or more missing teeth.

Whilst there are many implant systems available, at Dental Implants Illawarra, we only use premium, scientifically approved and rigorously tested implant systems as they prove to be extremely successful. Patients who have excellent oral hygiene and take care of their teeth and gums can enjoy implants that last a lifetime, In fact, there is published evidence of patients with implants lasting more than 40 years.

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